Election 2022. Illinois Public Media

Election 2022

The 2022 Midterm election is the first general election since district boundaries were redrawn after Illinois lost a congressional seat due to population loss.

Tune into WILL on November 8 for real-time election updates.

WILL-AM/FM From 7 to 11 pm we'll feature national coverage from NPR with Illinois results on our newscasts 15 minutes after the hour.

WILL-TV, VOTE 2022: Election Night Special begins at 7 pm with the PBS NewsHour team bringing live news, results, and analysis of the midterm elections. Illinois results will be updated during the last three minutes of the hour.

WILL On-Line up-to-the-minute updates will appear on will.illinois.edu and IllinoisNewsroom.org with Associated Press results in statewide races and congressional races throughout Illinois.

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Election Coverage

The 21st Show

What to Know About Voting in the 2022 Midterms

The 2022 midterm elections are upon us. The 21st was joined by Matt Dietrich, spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Elections to hear the latest on early voting in Illinois, and answer some last-minute questions. 

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