WILL AM 580 Live Stream

The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: How will the new chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees navigate the changes of the Trump administration?
In today's deep dive, we'll learn how the new chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees will navigate the changes of the Trump administration.

The 21st Show
What’s causing America’s anger epidemic ?

The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: What’s Happening in Champaign-Urbana Feb. 06 – Feb. 09
In today's deep dive, we'll learn more about what's coming to the Champaign-Urbana area in the world of art and entertainment.

The 21st Show
David Maraniss’ Pulitzer-winning stories

The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: How more tribes are working to bring bison back to their land
In today's deep dive, we'll learn how more tribes are working to bring bison back to their land.

The 21st Show
The State of Black media in Illinois

The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: Urbana mayoral candidates Annie Adams and DeShawn Williams explain why they are running
In today's deep dive, we'll listen to a conversation with the candidates for Mayor of Urbana.