A new sighting and a turtle tale revisited
Could a turtle photographed recently in Urbana be the same one featured in this story from 2013?
Weekly commentaries on the environment and appreciating the natural world, by Rob Kanter from the School of Earth, Society, and Environment at the University of Illinois.
Could a turtle photographed recently in Urbana be the same one featured in this story from 2013?
While human movement is currently restricted, spring bird migration is in full swing--and you need no orgranized acitivities to check it out.
What do you get when you cultivate native plants in your yard? Beautiful scenery and first-hand education in local ecology.
Are you wondering what to make of Earth Day during this time of social distancing? Tune for some perspective from some perspective from some local environmentalists.
The fastest animal on earth was once endangered in most of the U.S., but it has come back from the brink thanks to federal policy. Stop by to learn about the peregrin falcon.
One of the early season highlights of birding in central Illinois is the widespread return in March of a bird called the American woodcock.
Grad students bring some real versus reel commentary on giant crabs and other creatures.
It may be too early in the year to contemplate April showers bringing May flowers. But in much of Illinois heavy rains in late February and early March trigger an astonishing and ancient natural phenomenon—the annual congregation of amphibians in the waters where they breed.
People who go looking for beauty in the woodlands of central Illinois tend to get excited about the months of April and May, when showy beauties like Virginia bluebells carpet the woodland floor. But if you wait until April to get out, you may already be a month late for the emergence of the first flower of spring.
How do you expand appreciation for an animal beyond a single day out of the year? Listen as U of I student Grace Finnell-Gudwien shares her interest in groundhogs.