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Where The Candidates Stand On Student Debt; Catholic Diocese Lawsuits; Sears’ Radical Past

On The 21st: Four plaintiffs have sued every Catholic diocese in the state of Illinois, and they want bishops to publicly list the names of every priest who was credibly accused of sexual abuse. Plus, with Sears bankruptcy filing, many are thinking about the retailer’s storied history. That past includes how the company’s catalog helped disrupt Jim Crow-era racism. But first, Americans owe a total of nearly $1.5 trillion in student loans. We’ll break down where Illinois candidates stand on how to fix the problem of student debt.

Congressional Races in Northern Illinois; PE and Art Linked to Graduation; Work Program for Homeless

On the 21st: If you think that only science, math and history are the keys to success in school, think again. A new study links art and PE to graduation rates. And, a new program from the City of Champaign and the nonprofit C-U at Home is helping put people struggling with homelessness to work. But first, we update you on three congressional races in northern and northwestern Illinois.

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