Volunteers To Prepare Food For Illinoisans With Food Insecurity

Memorial Stadium at the U of I, where the sixth annual Community and Campus Day of Service will take place. Fightingillini.com
Hundreds of volunteers will come together on Saturday April 14 at the University of Illinois for the sixth annual Community and Campus Day of Service. Volunteers will be packaging 151,000 ready-to-boil meals. They’ll be delivered to local foodbanks and food pantries.
Organizer Sam Okrent says the goal is bring the community together to fight hunger.
“The first and most marketed goal is feeding families in our area who are facing food insecurity," said Okrent. "But just as big a part of that is kind of getting people aware, getting people involved, and getting people together, just to enjoy doing service.”
The target of 151,000 meals represents one thousand meals for each year since the University of Illinois was chartered. The Day of Service event takes place at Memorial Stadium. For more information, you can visit dayofservice.cuvolunteer.org
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