A Fight Over Fair Housing Regulations
In this week's Legal Issues in the News the University of Illinois College of Law's Sean Anderson deciphers fair housing regulations.
In this week's Legal Issues in the News the University of Illinois College of Law's Sean Anderson deciphers fair housing regulations.
Tens of thousands of poor children — all of them American citizens or legal residents — could lose their housing under a new rule proposed Friday by the Trump Administration.
An estimated 10,643 people in Illinois are homeless according to federal data. Many of those are working - but still can’t make ends meet.
The Housing Authority of Champaign County is concerned the shutdown could impact funding of their affordable housing programs, and force them to dip into funding reserves they're unsure they’ll get back.
Vermilion County Board Chairman Mike Marron wants to meet with federal housing officials, following the resignation this week of the entire board of the Vermilion County Housing Authority.