The Stuff of Students
The end of the school year means the cleaning out of cubbies, and lockers... and dorm rooms and apartments. Fortunately, many students no longer bring their stuff straight to the Dumpster.
The end of the school year means the cleaning out of cubbies, and lockers... and dorm rooms and apartments. Fortunately, many students no longer bring their stuff straight to the Dumpster.
Everyone has a pet theory on how to improve public education: more money, better curriculum, testing for accountability, teacher incentives, technology. But those who study the brain have their own ideas for improving how kids learn: focus on teaching kids how to learn.
If we’re lucky, we go through our school years having one, maybe two – possibly more! - teachers whose positive influence changed, or helped change, the trajectory of our lives.
On April 14, U.S. Senators began working out details of an update to the No Child Left Behind education law.
What can babies learn from magic tricks?