WILL AM 580 Live Stream
The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: Farmers embrace prairie strips to revitalize agriculture and enhance ecosystems
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn how farmers are using prairie strips to improve their soil and water quality.
The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: Chicken farmers sue Tyson after the company closed a plant and ended their contracts
In today's deep dive, we'll learn why some farmers are suing Tyson Farms.
The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: Sexually abusive calls burden 988 mental health crisis line counselors. They want more protection
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn why some say there are not enough policies to protect crisis counselors.
The 217 Today Podcast
217 Today: A new Illinois bill would allow only accredited surgical techs in operating rooms
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn about a law pending in Springfield that will ensure workers in hospital operating rooms are accredited.