217 Today: Monday, Oct. 11, 2021

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Monday, Oct. 11, 2021
Today's headlines:
Illinois may start offering tax incentives to electric vehicle manufacturers as part of its bid to build up its green energy industry.
Champaign-Urbana community members are looking for solutions to gun violence through local aid organizations.
A post on the Justice for Jelani Day Facebook page says today’s scheduled burial is being postponed because of the investigation into the grad student’s disappearance and death.
In today's deep dive, we’ll speak with Illinois Newsroom's Dana Cronin to learn more about two animals recently declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that once called Illinois home.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Caroline Kubzansky, Charrice Jones, Reginald Hardwick, and Dana Cronin.