The 21st Show

The 21st Amendment turns 90 years old


Library of Congress

The 21st Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified 90 years ago on December 5, 1933. It ended the prohibition on the "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors." This segment was inspired by a 21st Show listener who approached host Brian Mackey and suggested this segment at the NPR Illinois Thank-You Fest back in November.

Taylor Pensoneau 

Author, Brothers Notorious and Dapper & Deadly: The True Story of Black Charlie Harris

Longtime Illinois Statehouse reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

This is the document that officially proclaimed the death of the Eighteenth Amendment, shown, Dec. 6, 1933. The proclaimation by the State Department, issued by acting Secretary Phillips, was signed a few minutes after delegates to the Utah Ratifying convention had formally approved the 21st. Amendment, repealing the eighteenth. (AP Photo)