Transcript: Commemorating the 175th “Trail of Death”

Transcript: Commemorating the 175th “Trail of Death”
Commemorating the 175th “Trail of Death”
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Transcript for file: focus131008a.mp300:00:00
here in east central Illinois you may have seen a sign on a country road
marker in a park noting the round to the Pottawatomie trail of death
was the route that some 850 members of Potawatomi tribe from Indiana
Indiana to 1838 traveled on foot to new lands00:00:30
reserved for them in Kansas 1440 people mostly children died
what mg metals today on focus were looking back Potawatomi
trail of death on 175th anniversary hear from
Express Pottawatomie in the federal government Indian removalfocus continues after the news
welcome to focus on Jim Meadows I was driving around of the month to sell over and pints00:01:05
County Illinois when I first noticed it was a little road sign telling me I was on the
what’s on the route to the Pottawatomie trail of death with an arrow pointing the way a little while
little while later I came across another sign which point is the way a little further
the signs were put there to remind me of something that occurred in 18
38 that was 100 members of the Potawatomi tribe took a journey
by foot from Indiana to Kansas leaving the lands they had known
but now I had to leave to go to lands of the federal government had set aside for them00:01:40
doesn’t died along Route which covered four states including
part of the route through Illinois from Danville to Quincy this event is remembered
bird as the Pottawatomie trail death and it was one of several coastal cold Indian
removal of a card with a federal law in the 19th century ordered