School Year Ends But Cash Needs Continue at WIU
About 50 faculty, staff and students from Western Illinois University gathered with community members Monday in Macomb for a demonstration to call for full state funding of higher education.
In-depth reporting from WILL, NPR, the Associated Press, and other sources
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About 50 faculty, staff and students from Western Illinois University gathered with community members Monday in Macomb for a demonstration to call for full state funding of higher education.
A Quad Cities dental hygienist says failure to keep up with dental care can have devastating consequences for residents of nursing homes.
Mixed messages came out of a meeting Tuesday between Illinois' governor and legislative leaders. It was their first meeting in months - even as Illinois is in the midst of an unprecedented budget standoff.
On the 21st: The solar panels on one man's Champaign home generate enough electricity for the house and the cars - and feed the grid. Illinois towns and residents are turning toward the sun for power and we talked about howmuch they are saving. Also, a STEM mentorship program helps high school students from across the state get connected with mentors in academia and industry.
Some faculty aren't happy with the appointment of former Republican Senate candidate and Champaign Unit 4 School Board member John Bambenek to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Members of the Urbana campus Senate Executive Committee are drafting a letter protesting the nomination to the Rauner administration.