Bandwagon’s Triumphant Return to Form
[YAWN] Anything happen while we were gone?
[YAWN] Anything happen while we were gone?
With all the attention on the Summer Olympics in Rio, some may not know that more events will be held in the city about three weeks from now. Seven athletes from the University of Illinois are currently competing there, but seventeen others with connections to the Urbana campus are prepping for the Paralympics, starting September 7. There's a chance to meet these athletes in downtown Champaign Sunday, including 4-time medialist Josh George.
Between the Crossfit Games just getting underway, the Olympic Games looming in a couple of weeks, the reindeer games playing out on social media, and all the other fun and games out there, Brian, John, and Lisa had their hands full this week. C'mon. Get onto the Bandwagon, would ya?