Raggedy Ann Fans Celebrate Her Centennial In Arcola
Arcola native Johnny Gruelle patented his Raggedy Ann doll in 1915, and a group of Raggedy Ann collectors are leading the celebration in Arcola this weekend.
In-depth reporting from WILL, NPR, the Associated Press, and other sources
Contact WILL News at willnewsroom@illinois.edu
Arcola native Johnny Gruelle patented his Raggedy Ann doll in 1915, and a group of Raggedy Ann collectors are leading the celebration in Arcola this weekend.
Illinois lawmakers have a couple of weeks left to reach a resolution on the state budget. If they don't get it done by the end of June, the comptroller has warned that she'll no longer have authority to pay the state's bills. The programs and facilities that are on heigtened alert to potentially suspend operations include the Illinois State Museum.
Doctor Jeffrey Mjaanes directs the Chicago Sports Concussion Clinic at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. He told Illinois Public Media's Scott Cameron that despite all the research, there's still a lot we don't know about concussions.
The University of Illinois will be able to continue operating, even in the case of a possible state government shutdown
To be retained, nine of the 14 judges in the six-county circuit would have had to vote for Klaus.